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Doug Dorsey

Meet Doug Dorsey

As Seen in Richmond BizSense

21 S. Tow Path Lane

Richmond’s second-priciest home sale in November 2023


6124 Saint Andrews Lane

Richmond City’s Priciest Sale in Years

Doug Dorsey has been involved with real estate for 40 years selling, leasing, and developing properties throughout Virginia. He was the Broker/owner of Select Properties for 30 years. Now with Shaheen, Ruth, Martin & Fonville, Doug continues to take great pride in working with team-oriented real estate professionals. Doug has spent most of his life in Virginia and grew up in Connecticut and Colorado. He is a graduate of Washington and Lee University. Doug enjoys sailing, painting, and traveling with his family.

    • Education: Washington and Lee University, Lexington, VA.​
    • High School: Cherry Creek, Englewood, CO​
    • Real Estate Experience: Licensed since 1982, Broker since 1988. Partner, Virginia Landmark Corporation Real Estate, Co-Founder Select Properties of Virginia
    • MLS: CVRMLS, Chesapeake Bay & Rivers Association
    • Personal: Doug has believed in giving back to the communities in which he has lived or worked in throughout his career. He is married to Carrie M. Baker of Darien CT for over 30 years. Together they have two children, Peter and Anna.


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What Our Clients Say About Doug Dorsey
Doug is a super guy. He knows the market and works to get the best price. He goes above and beyond, which is a huge bonus! - William and Laura for Doug Dorsey
We are the luckiest people to have your caliber represent us locally. Thank you, thank you, thank you! - Happy Client for Doug Dorsey
In early 2020, we became sole owners of a family property on the Northern Neck — rich in waterfront, very humble in structures. It had been on the market with a major Richmond firm for years. But far as we knew, it had never had even a nibble. That long time listing was expiring. Based on what I’d learned of Doug Dorsey from reading BizSense, I thought he could help us. We emailed him in February 2020. A great online conversation ensued. Doug went down and had a look at the land. The one guideline we issued was that this was NOT a property that could be sold with pretty pictures alone. Doug told us not to worry. “I take the property to the buyer,” he said. That sounded mighty like a slogan — maybe a meaningless one? But we signed papers in March — days after Covid lockdown began. And in April Doug, having done exactly what he said he would do, brought us an excellent offer. A bit of back and forth, all of which worked to our advantage, followed. We closed in June. (Actually, everyone was more than willing to close earlier, but the Northumberland Courthouse was locked tight.) All of which is to say, Doug Dorsey is THE BEST. (And have you seen his watercolors? What a talent.) - Antoinette R.
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