Rae Nunnally

Rae has a momentum and energy about her, just ask any of her past clients or peers. She takes great pride in helping her buyers and sellers in ALL aspects of the transaction and truly enjoys working with sellers to prioritize the things that need be done to their homes in order to get top dollar and to make the transactions as seamless as possible and she does so effortlessly.
Rae is a great resource for contacts, whether it be a home improvement contractor, doctors, salons or even a fabulous place to eat. She has been referred to as the “Go to Girl” by many of her clients and encourages her clients to use her as a resource for any of their needs, even after their transaction is complete. Rae is truly passionate about helping people in general and has a great love for the real estate industry itself. As an innovative problem-solver it is no surprise that Rae’s motto is: “Where there is a will, there is a way”. Rae’s designations include Associate Broker, Certified Relocation Professional and Short Sale Certified.