Shaheen, Ruth, Martin & Fonville Real Estate

Don’t Try This At Home

We have all heard the adage, don’t try this at home, but when it comes to preparing your home for sale, following this advice may help you avoid some unintended pitfalls. While home updates can enhance your living space, some renovations may not provide a good return on investment or may even detract from your home’s value.

Here are five updates that you should reconsider:                                                   

1. Removing Bedrooms: Converting a bedroom into a non-bedroom space, such as a larger living room or home office, may seem like a good idea for your lifestyle. However, reducing the number of bedrooms can significantly decrease your home’s resale value, as it limits the potential pool of buyers who need a certain number of bedrooms.

2.  Excessive Personalization: While it’s important to make your home reflect your personality and style, overly unique or eccentric design choices may not appeal to future buyers. Avoid extreme decor themes, bold color choices, or niche features that could potentially turn off potential buyers and limit your home’s marketability.

3.  DIY Plumbing and Electrical Work: Attempting major plumbing or electrical projects without proper knowledge and expertise can lead to costly mistakes, safety hazards, and code violations. Poorly executed DIY work may result in leaks, electrical fires, or other serious issues that can decrease your home’s value and safety.

4.  Over-the-Top Landscaping: While a well-maintained yard can enhance curb appeal, extravagant landscaping features like intricate water features, overly large or exotic plants, or extensive hardscaping may not appeal to a broad range of buyers. Additionally, high-maintenance landscaping can deter potential buyers who are not keen on spending a lot of time and money on upkeep.

5.  Unpermitted Additions or Conversions: Making structural changes or additions to your home without obtaining the necessary permits can create legal and financial headaches down the road. Unpermitted work may need to be corrected or removed to comply with building codes when selling the home, leading to delays and decreased value. Always ensure that any renovations comply with local regulations and obtain the required permits before starting construction.

Before making any significant home improvements, it’s essential to consider the potential return on investment and whether the changes align with your long-term goals for the property. Additionally, consulting with a real estate agent can provide valuable insights into which improvements are likely to add value in your specific market.

Need help deciding what projects are best for your home sale?

Our team is here to provide the knowledge you need to help you get your home prepared the right way.  Feel free to reach out to us for a personalized discussion about the best was to tackle home projects.  Give us a call at (804) 288-2100 or come by one of our locations in Richmond, Williamsburg, or Irvington!

At Shaheen, Ruth, Martin & Fonville Real Estate, we are here to help you navigate the ins and outs of how to prepare your home to sell -from start to finish.





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